Bluebirds and Grasshoppers back at
has been fantastic welcoming the children back to school. We hope you had a
restful Christmas break with your families. The children enjoyed telling us
about their favourite gifts!
have carried on with our Read Write Inc programme this week and the children
have started to work in their new groups. During Maths the children have worked
with 2D shapes and have sorted them by the number and size of the straight
edges. Our topic this term is ‘Amazing Animals’ and the children have talked
about their pets and other favourite animals. They have collected data and
created a class pictogram to find out which is our class’ favourite pet. Next
week we will learn about dogs and read stories that they feature in. We will
work on adding amounts to find a total. We also worked on the importance of
hand hygiene in stopping ‘germs’ from spreading. The children covered their
hands in glitter and then saw what would happen when they touched other people
and things!